Maximising maize yields using effective weed control strategies
Interesting article by Richard Cromie on Maximising Maize Yeilds
Interesting article by Richard Cromie on Maximising Maize Yeilds
Interesting Article with CMP – Richard Cromie
Interesting Article on Regen with CMP Nick Wall
Crop Management Partners2022 NRoSO – InvitationPlease book now for our winter NRoSO workshops. The workshops will be 9:00am to 12:30pm followed by a light lunch. Monday 31st January 2022 – The Deddington Arms, Horsefair, Deddington, Oxfordshire, OX15 0SH Tuesday 1st February 2022 – Rawston Farm, Tarrant Rawston, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8SF Wednesday 2nd February 2022 – Marlborough […]
Crop Management Partners Conference Regenerative Agriculture – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Thursday 17th February 2022 at Test Valley Golf Club, Overton, RG25 3DS. 09.00 Arrival Registration and coffee 09.20 Welcome – Nick Wall 09.30 The Principals of Regenerative Agriculture – Nick Wall 10.00 “My personal experiences of farming regeneratively” Hampshire […]
Date for your diary – Thursday 17th February 2022 at Test Valley Golf Club, Overton, RG25 3DS . Crop Management Partners are hosting a morning meeting to discuss and explore Regenerative Agriculture – exploring the practicalities and pit falls and hearing from Simon Porter, Penn Croft Farm, Hampshire, his personal experience and our own Agronomists farm […]
Wishing all of our clients a very Merry Christmas and Best wishes for 2022.
Our office will close on 22nd December 2021 and re-open on 4th January 2022.
Nitrogen prices and rates for wheatThe current sky-high nitrogen prices are causing us all great concern, especially those who have still got nitrogen to order. The question is does paying a lot more for nitrogen alter how much we should be applying to wheat. The answer is that it depends on the average amount paid […]
The Principles of Regenerative Agriculture The soil beneath our feet is arguably our greatest asset. It’s certainly one that deserves our greatest respect, but it sometimes doesn’t get to be treated quite as well as it should. Sometimes we abuse its largely forgiving nature: The ever more frequent weather extremes over the summer and […]