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Crop Management Partners is the largest Independent Agronomy Partnership operating in Southern England.
We have 11 BASIS, FACTS and BETA qualified Independent agronomists, with over 200 years of combined experience.
Our sole aim is to work in the best interest of our  clients. This enables them to separate the technical issues of growing crops, from buying decisions.
Our Independent advice is supported, by Agritek, one of the UK’s most competitive agro-Chemical, Seed and Fertiliser agencies.


One of the most critical challenges growers face is planning the farms rotation.
At the Crop Management Partners our agronomists work with you to establish a financially secure and robust cropping plan.
With many years of experience on our side we are able to present a range of options to help combat the rising costs of weed, disease, pest control and resistance development.





A good set of clear and concise maps are an essential management tool for any agricultural business.
Using Gatekeeper mapping software we are able to produce professional and acurate maps for various applications ranging from basic farm maps to NVZ manure risk spreading maps.




Practical Environmental Advice with YOUR CROPS In Mind!
ELS Applications & Renewals – Completed by BASIS, FACTS & ICM qualified advisors. We have the knowledge and expertise to place the most cost effective option in the right place without compromising crop performance. Please be aware that to ensure continuity of payments, ELS renewals should be submitted at least 2 months before the expiry date of your existing ELS scheme.
Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) & Farm Environment Plans (FEP’s) – completed by a Chartered Environmentalist who has successfully submitted over 17,000 acres into the scheme and produced FEP’s on well over 20,000 acres.


Nutrient planning is key in optimizing the yield potential of your crops. Also, with nearly 70% of the countries farmland in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ’s), not following correct nutrient planning procedures can lead to serious deductions from your Single Farm Payment cheque.
Experienced agronomists at Crop Management Partners will work with you to plan your fertiliser inputs in a way that suits you – whether that be PLANET, Gatekeeper or just a simple spreadsheet. Crop Management Agronomists have the knowledge and expertise to assist you in producing a plan that both maximises yield and minimises the risk of non-compliance.
With our digital mapping software we can also create professional manure risk maps which are one of the required standards of the NVZ regulations.
For those clients who wish to take things one step further we can also guide you through the maize of the precision farming products related to the variable application of various nutrients and lime.


Agritek is an Independent agency for supplies of agrochemicals, fertiliser and seed. Our sole aim is to make your business more profitable. On average, our clients save between 5 and 20% on purchases.
We are independent of all suppliers and act solely on behalf of our clients. The service we offer is completely transparent, which means you can be sure you are buying inputs competitively.
We have an established and trusting relationship with all suppliers and they offer our clients an outstanding service.
We do not take a margin on any products, which means we are able to secure some of the best terms available in the country.
We don’t sell any products. We don’t earn anything from what our clients use or buy – we earn no commission. We are not tied to any manufacturer or supplier.
With an independent agronomist you are free to buy from wherever you choose – getting the right products at the right price. We charge a small fee for this service.


High levels of volatility in the commodity markets and rising input costs mean that knowing your costs and predicting seasonal cashflows have never been more important.
Working closely with clients, we are able to create customised crop margin analysis and budgets to help minimise financial risks and maximise returns.


Accurate field records are essential to meet the requirements of Cross Compliance, NVZ and Farm Assurance schemes.
Comprehensive field records are also an important tool to maximise the financial performance of your business.
Cropping plans, yields, gross margins, pesticide usage, N Max calculations and fertiliser records can all be produced using either Muddy Boots or Gatekeeper software package


Why Us

Welcome to Crop Management Partners. We pride ourselves with delivering top service and providing our clients with:

  • Independent and unbiased advice from a team of 11 established BASIS & FACTS qualified agronomists.
  • Technical information based on both independent & manufacturer trials and research.
  • Full cost analysis to ensure continued profitability of your business.
  • Assurance in meeting all necessary cross compliance, environmental scheme and NVZ requirements.
  • Guidance in the adoption of the latest precision farming techniques including variable rate seed and fertiliser applications.

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01730 710800

Collyers Barn,
Ridge Common Lane,
Steep, Petersfield,
GU32 1AQ

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