Benchmarking Service
Our aim at Crop Management Partners, as your advisor, is to help you as our client to be in the top 10% of growers. To this end, we would like to re-introduce a benchmarking service to you.
We will be using the AHDB’s completely independent Benchmark Plus service, to help you identify strengths and weaknesses within your business:
- Do you know how good you are?
- How has your business performed compared with last year?
- How efficient is your business compared to other similar farms?
- Which is your most profitable crop / rotation?
- Where could cost savings be made?
- Is every pound you spend reflected by higher yields?
- At what selling price do you make a profit?
Benchmarking gives you these answers.
We will be able to group our clients farms together in similar regions / soils / farm systems so you are comparing like for like.
When results are in, we can hold winter meetings to analyse the data, hear from external experts on aspects arising i.e. labour and machinery planning, soils improvement, or anything that you would like to investigate further.
Groups are able to meet with farmers from other AHDB benchmarking groups to share best practices.
It will be possible for each group to have a presentation evening, celebrating success at the end of the season.
If you are already taking part in AHDB crop benching, we can easily transfer your data to one of the Crop management Partners group. The process is completely confidential and independent.
There may be a need to charge a fee to help with administration of this service, I trust you will be prepared to accept that?
We very much hope you would be interested to join this initiative. If would like further details on how to join this service, please contact Anne or Tina at the office and we can get you started.
ADHB bench mark page: